
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

[Solved] 0/111 nodes are available: 111 node(s) had untolerated taint {eks.amazonaws.com/compute-type: fargate}

While deploying the application deployment for the gitlab runner recently faced the following error in the EKS Fargate on Amazon AWS


0/111 nodes are available: 111 node(s) had untolerated taint {eks.amazonaws.com/compute-type: fargate}



So Even though i have sufficient capacity in the EKS still the pod was not getting elected for the deployment in the EKS Fargate cluster. This is because of the missing Fargate profile which enables you to select and differentiate which pods you want to run in fargate and which dont. So you can differentiate between the deployments if you having onpremise or your own eks cluster running on ec2 nodes.

In my case i deployed on separate Namespace and each namespace needs to have associated Fargate profile along with the IAM roles for the permissions on the AWS Resources like the ECR for image download. In my case i just created a new NS and done the deployment in the EKS due to which the pods were not allocated to any nodes.

Solution :-

To resolve the above issue go ahead and create a fargate profile as 

eksctl create fargateprofile \ --cluster my-cluster \ --name my-fargate-profile \ --namespace my-kubernetes-namespace \ --labels key=value

You can checkout the AWS Documentation link for more details on Fargate profile



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