
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

What is Service Mesh ?

As the introduction of the distributed microservices architecture for creating web/mobile based applications has increased and the orchestration tools such as kubernetes, public clouds has increased and made it more convenient to facilitate these microservice based architecture so the next demand is towards the deployment of the service mesh.

The term service mesh is used to describe the network of microservices that make up the applications running in an environment and how they are interacting amongst themselves. As the environment grows so the is the size of the services and there complexity to communicate both synchronously and asynchronously due to which it becomes harder and challenging to understand and manage such environments.

Than the requirements such as service discovery, load balancing, failure recovery, metrices and continuous monitoring often combines the requirement for more complex operational requirements like A/B testing, canary releases, rate limiting, access control and end-to-end authentication for the various api's and services.

The service mesh provides behavioural insights and operational control over the service mesh as a whole by offering a complete solution to satisfy the diverse requirements for managing the microservice applications.

Some of the leading service mesh provider include Istio developed in collaboration between Lyft, IBM , Google, Vmware and RedHat. Alternatives to Istion include Linkerd, the first service mesh to be ever developed created by Bouyant which open source service mesh written in scale and can be deployed on multiple types of clusters. Than there is Consul developed by Hashicorp which runs on agent-based model i.e. Consul client and finally than there is AWS App Mesh which is specifically developed for the AWS Public cloud.

We will be covering them in more detail in our future posts.


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