Following script can be used to format the Average load, Memory used and Apache connection count in Linux format it and present it in a human readable form.
The script is designed to read the hostname , date and time of execution, Average load, Apache process count, physical and swap memory usage
The script is designed to read the hostname , date and time of execution, Average load, Apache process count, physical and swap memory usage
# The script is used for the Load Testing and will provide the Load, Memory,apache process count
Load=`uptime | awk -F "load average: " '{print $2}' | awk -F"," '{print $1$2$3}'
totalmemory=`free -m | gawk '/Mem:/{print $2}'`
usedmemory=`free -m | gawk '/Mem:/{print $3}'`
freememory=`free -m | gawk '/Mem:/{print $4}'`
totalswapmemory=`free -m | gawk '/Swap:/{print $2}'`
usedswapmemory=`free -m | gawk '/Swap:/{print $3}'`
freeswapmemory=`free -m | gawk '/Swap:/{print $4}'`
process=`ps -ef | grep -c httpd`
echo "Reading from "$host" on "$dat""
echo "Load is "$Load" , Apache proces count "$process""
echo "Total Memory "$totalmemory"MB, used "$usedmemory"MB ,free "$freememory"MB"
echo "Total Swap Memory "$totalswapmemory"MB, used "$usedswapmemory"MB ,free "$freeswapmemory"MB "
echo "============================================================================"
echo ""
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